In the magical Dragon Worlds, some dragons are being interviewed for a TV documentary when one of them dismisses the threat of foul-tempered troublemaker Gnasty Gnorc.

These all pushed a team of extremely talented people to come together and create a great game that not only fulfilled those desires, but pushed the PS1 hardware to previously unexplored places and led to one of the most highly regarded trilogies in 3D platforming: Spyro the Dragon. This was encouraged by various sources from within and abroad: Sony’s desire to have more family-friendly games on the PlayStation, Mark Cerny of Universal Interactive’s suggestion to create a free-roaming 3D platformer, and Insomniac artist Craig Stitt’s interest in making a game about dragons (his favorite fantasy animal). After the release of their well-liked but undersold debut title Disruptor, Insomniac Games decided to do something completely different for their next project.